

The Cashmere that we manufacture is renowned for its extraordinary softness. The fine fibres that we have used in the making of our Cashmere are obtained from the undercoat of Cashmere goats resulting in a texture that is gentle and sumptuous against the skin. This softness that you get with our made Cashmere enhances the wearer's comfort, making our Cashmere products a symbol of luxury and refinement. Despite the lightweight quality, the Cashmere that we make provides excellent insulation. 

The natural crimp of the fibres that we use in the making of our Cashmere creates a lot of tiny air pockets that trap heat, offering a superior warmth-to-weight ratio. This makes it an ideal choice for staying warm without the bulk of heavier materials. One of the lesser-known qualities of high-grade Cashmere, like ours, is its durability. When cared for properly, our Cashmere products resist pilling and can maintain their beautiful texture and shape for years, potentially becoming heirloom pieces due to their enduring nature.

The fluidity that you get using our Cashmere drapes is indicative of its high quality. It hangs gracefully, conforming to contours and movements, which adds an element of elegance to Cashmere clothing and accessories. The classic appeal of Cashmere ensures that products made from our fibres are immune to shifting fashion currents. Our Cashmere pieces are designed with timeless elegance in mind, making them staple additions to any wardrobe or home.


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